What is Organic Thinking?
What is the organic thinking?
Organic thinking is the original spiritual form of thinking. We find this thinking in the compositional structure of much of the Old and New Testament, in some of Plato’s works, the format of the Latin Mass, Hegel, The Gettysburg Address, and other heavenly inspired works. Organic thinking is a way of seeing the world from four dynamic perspectives: the what? The how? The why? And who? These four questions open up our mind to the rudiments of a dynamic thinking system.
Rudolf Steiner was the first person to consciously utilize this new thinking and he applied it to his Philosophy of Freedom, architecture (Goetheanum), Waldorf school curriculum and lesson plans, and the structure and practice of his Six Meditative Exercises. By studying the form and content of the Philosophy of Freedom, you can begin to own and apply this new dynamic form of thinking to life, your projects, and intuition.
How do you practice organic thinking?
Organic Thinking is based on four questions, levels, and colors. These colors and levels are present everywhere in corporate America such as Google’s colors, or in the way ad agencies have been composing their magazine ads. A quick survey of the colors, composition, levels of meanings in the corporate domain seem to prove that corporations have a knowledge of Steiner’s organic principles.
Corporate researchers have discovered the value of the organic thinking via consumer research/polls about which types of ad formulations and compositions touch people most. For example, a magazine ad will often have three or four sentences constructed to the levels of What? How? Why? Who?
The best way to learn this new type of thinking is to read about it and join our study groups. The technique can be learned in a few months of regular practice. We also have new thinking study guides, online study groups, and video classes. Follow the fourfold path to learning the new thinking: 1) learn the form; 2) the thinking exercises; 3) the application of the new thinking to writing, speaking, and planning: 4) try the intuitive meditation practice on pure thought-waves.
Why would you want to learn it?
There are many benefits to practicing the new thinking. The most important result is the opening of the heart and mind in a harmonious manner. Therefore, group study of the organic thinking in the Philosophy of Freedom serves to open the heart chakra as well as a systematic type of thinking of all participants. Thus, logical thinking and organic thinking are enhanced in the participants often leading to higher levels of sociability and emotional intelligence. Group study develop an important soul capacity of listening to others, shared inquiry, and group vision, three qualities necessary for humanity’s future development.
As one acquires the ability to see and think in levels and polarities, one can start to apply this new thinking to writing and speaking. The most famous speech in history, the Gettysburg Address, given by President Lincoln is an organic thinking masterpiece. Many of the Great Books of Western Cannon are written in organic thinking forms. The Logos itself has been termed the source of this light-filled heart-thinking system.
For Rudolf Steiner this organic thinking is a necessary skill for understanding his anthroposophy, his meditations, and Waldorf education. Where in the past our ancestors were working on logical thinking and a scientific culture, our age is trying to inaugurate a new form of thinking and empathic social order. This birthing process of a new thinking culture is causing great havoc as the old-world culture has been trying to stop its arrival. We will soon be seeing the end of the dead-thinking age and the arrival of a new thinking age.
Who to Work with
The George O’Neil Group has practitioners all over the world. There are regular introductory groups on ZOOM, usually taking place on Saturdays. Contact us for group leaders in California, Bulgaria, New Zealand, Brazil, Boston, Illinois, Malaysia, Australia, Israel, Russia, Serbia, Spain, Hawaii, Kentucky, Texas, Puerto Rico, New York, Canada, Ethiopia, England, Belgium, Holland.